A selection of cool stuff I've worked on.

Generative Adverserial Networks Using Pytorch

Training a Generative Adverserial Network to generate Pokemon Images

skills : Pytorch, Image Generation, Computer Vision

HandWritten Digits Classifiation

Classification of Handwritten Digits using Deep Convolutional Neural Network along with image preprocessing and Normalization

skills : Keras, DeepLearning, Image Processing

Machine Learning

EDA(Exploratory Data Analysys) and Sentiment Analysis of movie reviews through Natural Language Processing and Classification using Random Forest

skills : Supervised Learning, Linear Models, classification

Natural Language Processing using Pytorch

Classification of Handwritten Digits using Deep Convolutional Neural Network along with image preprocessing and Normalization

skills : Python, DeepLearning, Natural Language Processing

Recommender System

A Recommendation System based on IMDB dataset to recommend the movies based on Rating system and User choice

skills : NLP Text Processing Classification

Sentiment Analysis

EDA(Exploratory Data Analysys) and Sentiment Analysis of movie reviews through Natural Language Processing and Classification using Random Forest

skills : NLP, data visualization, classification

HandWritten Digits Recognition

Build a Digit Recognizer web app using a Pretrained CNN Model and Flask Web FrameWork

skills : python, Flask, CNN, Keras

Some other Projects I have worked on

  • Python Automated FB Wisher

    A packaged python command line utility that automates your birthday wishes.The package has been published on pypi.

    Github Repo
  • One Note

    A Text Editor using Mean Stack.Support